{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The BRFN Gundy Mitigation Area (BRFN_GUNDY_MITIGATION_AREA_PY) dataset indicates where mitigation can occur to offset oil and gas activity trigger that occurs within a the BRFN Gundy Complex Protection Plan Zone.", "description": "
The BRFN Mitigation Area (BRFN_GUNDY_MITIGATION_AREA_PY) dataset indicates where mitigation can occur to offset oil and gas activity trigger that occurs within a specified Protection Plan Zone.<\/SPAN><\/P> Distribution Information<\/SPAN><\/P> Distributor: Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. <\/SPAN><\/P> Contact Information:<\/SPAN><\/P> Name: Nevis Antoniazzi <\/SPAN><\/P> Position: Manager, Crown Sales and GIS Services<\/SPAN><\/P> Organization: Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation<\/SPAN><\/P> Email: Nevis.Antoniazzi@gov.bc.ca<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "The BRFN Gundy Mitigation Area (BRFN_GUNDY_MITIGATION_AREA_PY) dataset indicates where mitigation can occur to offset oil and gas activity trigger that occurs within a the BRFN Gundy Complex Protection Plan Zone.",
"title": "BRFN Gundy Mitigation Area",
"tags": [
"Mitigation Area",
"Implementation Agreement",
"Blueberry River First Nations",
"Ministry of Energy Mines and Low Carbon Innovation",
"Gundy Complex"
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 625000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "BCER/Ministry of Energy Mines and Low Carbon Innovation",
"licenseInfo": " This data is for representation purposes only. The BC Energy Regulator provides this data \"as is\" with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user. It carries no guarantee of any kind, express or implied.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P> Please review the <\/SPAN><\/SPAN>BCER Open Data License<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/A> for complete details.<\/SPAN>]<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>"