{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The BRFN SLU Data Layer (BRFN_SURFACE_LAND_USE_PY) is a derivative version of the BC Energy Regulator\u2019s Land Use dataset that is designed to be used as part of the Blueberry River First Nations Implementation Agreement. The BRFN SLU Data Layer captures existing oil and gas disturbance and is used for determining the New Disturbance area of applications.", "description": "

The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) is the single windowregulatory agency with responsibilities for regulating oil and gas activitiesin British Columbia. Surface Land Use is a mechanism to measure surfacedisturbances caused by oil and gas activity and identify the type and land areaattributed to historical and current oil and gas activities.<\/p>

Northeast British Columbia is the location of the majority of oil and gasactivity in BC. In this area the BCER has created a dataset that represents existingoil and gas disturbance and assigns the area to 1 of 5 oil and gas activitygroups, Well/Facility, Roads, Pipelines, Associated and Ancillary (OtherRelated) Activities and Geophysical (Seismic).<\/p>

Spatial data for activities submitted prior to July 2016,have been collected and processed to create a static SLU base datasets. The BRFN SLU Data Layer (BRFN_SURFACE_LAND_USE_PY) isupdated separately <\/span><\/strong>fro<\/span><\/strong>m the Annual SLU dataset in coordination with theBlueberry River First Nation.<\/span><\/strong><\/p>

As per the Blueberry River First Nations ImplementationAgreement \u201cNew Disturbance\u201d means, subject to any and all limitations andexclusions provided for in this definition, all (and only) Oil and GasActivity-related disturbance on Crown land outside of any permitted andexisting PNG footprint as identified in the Surface Land Use (SLU) Data Layer,including restored wells with a certificate of restoration but excluding: (i)restoration activities; (ii) health and safety activities; (iii) environmentalprotection activities; (iv) electricity transmission and distribution linerights-of-way outside of Area 1 or inside Area 1 with the consent of BRFN; (v)new operational activities within existing oil and gas related disturbances orother permanent road structures (including, without limitation, new wells onexisting pads and pipelines within established rights of way); and (vi)conversion of non-status roads to oil and gas roads, so long as such conversiondoes not include any new construction or road modification. Full guidance canbe found here<\/a>.<\/p>Data Properties<\/span>

Attributes / Column Name<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td>

Field Alias<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td>

Data Type<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td>

Data Precision<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td>

Comments<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr>

OBJECTID<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

 <\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Object ID<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

 <\/span><\/p> <\/td>

 <\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr>

SHAPE<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

 <\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Geometry (Polygon)<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

 <\/span><\/p> <\/td>

 <\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr>

CODE_OG<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Surface Land Use Code<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Text<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

5<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Code Values 1 to 6<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr>

CODE_DESC<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Surface Land Use Code Description<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Text<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

25<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

1 \u2013 Well Site Facility<\/span><\/p>

3 \u2013 Road<\/span><\/p>

4 \u2013 Pipeline<\/span><\/p>

5 \u2013 Ancillary<\/span><\/p>

6 \u2013 Geophysical<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr>

SLU_DATE<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Surface Land Use Date<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Date<\/span><\/p> <\/td>

 <\/span><\/p> <\/td>

Date Surface Land Use Dataset was generated<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>


1<\/span><\/strong> \u201cBRFN Agreement \u2013 Rules for Oiland Gas Development\u201d. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Initiative, 26 Jan.2023,https://www.bc-er.ca/files/documents/20230126_FINAL-PNG-Info-Bulletin-detailed-document.pdf.<\/span><\/strong><\/p>


Contact Information:  <\/span><\/strong><\/p>

Engagement Contact:<\/font><\/p>

Adam Kamp<\/font><\/p>

Director,Responsive First Nations Engagement<\/font><\/span><\/p>

ResponsibleDevelopment & Stewardship <\/font><\/span><\/p>



Access Contact:<\/font><\/p>

Amy-Jade Louie<\/font><\/p>

Manager ofGeospatial Services, Responsible Development & Stewardship<\/font><\/p>

ResponsibleDevelopment & Stewardship<\/font><\/span><\/p>

amy-jade.louie@bc-er.ca<\/font><\/span><\/a><\/p><\/div><\/div>", "summary": "The BRFN SLU Data Layer (BRFN_SURFACE_LAND_USE_PY) is a derivative version of the BC Energy Regulator\u2019s Land Use dataset that is designed to be used as part of the Blueberry River First Nations Implementation Agreement. The BRFN SLU Data Layer captures existing oil and gas disturbance and is used for determining the New Disturbance area of applications.", "title": "BRFN SLU Data Layer", "tags": [ "Oil and Gas Surface Land Use", "BRFN_SURFACE_LAND_USE_PY", "EXTERNAL", "BRFN Implementation Agreement", "BCER" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 625000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "BCER", "licenseInfo": "