{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "cimVersion": "2.9.0", "id": 29, "name": "OGC_ISR_PROJECT.BRFN_SURFACE_LAND_USE_PY", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "
The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) is the single windowregulatory agency with responsibilities for regulating oil and gas activitiesin British Columbia. Surface Land Use is a mechanism to measure surfacedisturbances caused by oil and gas activity and identify the type and land areaattributed to historical and current oil and gas activities.<\/p>
Northeast British Columbia is the location of the majority of oil and gasactivity in BC. In this area the BCER has created a dataset that represents existingoil and gas disturbance and assigns the area to 1 of 5 oil and gas activitygroups, Well/Facility, Roads, Pipelines, Associated and Ancillary (OtherRelated) Activities and Geophysical (Seismic).<\/p>
Spatial data for activities submitted prior to July 2016,have been collected and processed to create a static SLU base datasets. The BRFN SLU Data Layer (BRFN_SURFACE_LAND_USE_PY) isupdated separately <\/span><\/strong>fro<\/span><\/strong>m the Annual SLU dataset in coordination with theBlueberry River First Nation.<\/span><\/strong><\/p> As per the Blueberry River First Nations ImplementationAgreement \u201cNew Disturbance\u201d means, subject to any and all limitations andexclusions provided for in this definition, all (and only) Oil and GasActivity-related disturbance on Crown land outside of any permitted andexisting PNG footprint as identified in the Surface Land Use (SLU) Data Layer,including restored wells with a certificate of restoration but excluding: (i)restoration activities; (ii) health and safety activities; (iii) environmentalprotection activities; (iv) electricity transmission and distribution linerights-of-way outside of Area 1 or inside Area 1 with the consent of BRFN; (v)new operational activities within existing oil and gas related disturbances orother permanent road structures (including, without limitation, new wells onexisting pads and pipelines within established rights of way); and (vi)conversion of non-status roads to oil and gas roads, so long as such conversiondoes not include any new construction or road modification. Full guidance canbe found here<\/a>.<\/p>Data Properties<\/span> Attributes / Column Name<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td> Field Alias<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td> Data Type<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td> Data Precision<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td> Comments<\/span><\/b><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr> OBJECTID<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> Object ID<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr> SHAPE<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> Geometry (Polygon)<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr> CODE_OG<\/span><\/p> <\/td> Surface Land Use Code<\/span><\/p> <\/td> Text<\/span><\/p> <\/td> 5<\/span><\/p> <\/td> Code Values 1 to 6<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr> CODE_DESC<\/span><\/p> <\/td> Surface Land Use Code Description<\/span><\/p> <\/td> Text<\/span><\/p> <\/td> 25<\/span><\/p> <\/td> 1 \u2013 Well Site Facility<\/span><\/p> 3 \u2013 Road<\/span><\/p> 4 \u2013 Pipeline<\/span><\/p> 5 \u2013 Ancillary<\/span><\/p> 6 \u2013 Geophysical<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr> SLU_DATE<\/span><\/p> <\/td> Surface Land Use Date<\/span><\/p> <\/td> Date<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> Date Surface Land Use Dataset was generated<\/span><\/p> <\/td> <\/tr><\/tbody><\/table> 1<\/span><\/strong> \u201cBRFN Agreement \u2013 Rules for Oiland Gas Development\u201d. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Initiative, 26 Jan.2023,https://www.bc-er.ca/files/documents/20230126_FINAL-PNG-Info-Bulletin-detailed-document.pdf.<\/span><\/strong><\/p> <\/span><\/strong><\/p> Contact Information: <\/span><\/strong><\/p> Engagement Contact:<\/font><\/p> Adam Kamp<\/font><\/p> Director,Responsive First Nations Engagement<\/font><\/span><\/p> ResponsibleDevelopment & Stewardship <\/font><\/span><\/p>